Manara - Tunisia's breaking news

By GeekTech

Manara - Tunisia's breaking newsManara - Tunisia's breaking newsManara - Tunisia's breaking news

Manara is a free and Arab news specialist application that brings you the latest breaking news in Tunisia as it happens from the best and most important sources. Stay up-to-date with the latest news around you around the clock according to the disciplines that interest you, the most important of which are politics, sports, economics, science, technology, health, etc.

The most important features of the Manarat app

See the latest news

Manara is powered by artificial intelligence to provide the latest news and videos tailored to you directly, to make

reading more efficient.

Following Videos

You can watch videos dedicated to you from various news platforms about sports, politics, social life, technology, etc.

My interests

After creating the account You can choose your favorite sources and follow political news, sports, modern technology news and local and international news.

Choose alert times

Through the “Manara” application, you can modify the alert times and get Breaking and important news directly on your home screen without disturbance.

Interact with news

You can comment on controversial news, share news with your best friends, express your admiration for news and feeds Yohat.

Save Your Favorites

You can save your favorite articles to read later

Night Mode

The well-designed dark light will help you read Comfortable for your eyes in addition to reducing battery consumption

Contact with our application:

Official website:

Email: contact@manara

Manara - Tunisia's breaking news Tags
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